Thursday, Jun 15, 2000
Scenes from the Class Struggle in Portugal
A close look at the events following the overthrow of the fascist government in Portugal on April 25, 1974. Kramer and Spinelli spent seven months in Portugal, working with members of the Proletarian Revolutionary Party (PRP) to gain a vantage point on the developing class struggle. Kramer said, "We wanted to deal with the complexities and confusion that are at the center of a revolution, that intersection between large political ideas and people's lives. In the United States there just isn't the kind of experience that would allow people to know what it would be like." Kramer examines each facet of the political and economic situation both in Portugal and in the former colonies, trying to understand a revolutionary process that is speeding by him. "The pace of the editing and the amount of narrated detail are exhausting....Scenes from the Class Struggle in Portugal is beautifully filmed under very difficult conditions, and courageous in its attempt to capture on film the incredible complexity of a whole society in turmoil." (Thomas Brom)
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