Screen Tests and Beauty #2

The publication of Callie Angell's Andy Warhol Screen Tests provides the occasion for tonight's screening of a selection of Warhol's silent, close-up portraits of Jane Holzer, Lou Reed, Edie Sedgwick, and other Factory denizens. The Screen Tests are “one of the most ambitious and long-lasting projects in (Warhol's) career as a filmmaker and artist,” Angell writes. They “show Warhol, somewhat surprisingly, in the role of social historian or ethnographer, systematically documenting the parade of talented artists and other significant characters he encountered at his studio.” We present selections from Screen Tests: Reel 10 (1964-66, c. 27 mins @ 16 fps, Silent). In Beauty #2 (1965, Written by Chuck Wein, With Edie Sedgwick, Gino Piserchio, Gerard Malanga, Wein, 66 mins), the classic cinematic triangle becomes something else: an action-packed stillness of implied eyeline matches. Edie Sedgwick and Gino Piserchio lie on a bed in a halfhearted, oft-interrupted attempt at lovemaking while, offscreen, Chuck Wein interrupts with bullying interrogations from behind the omniscient, unmoving camera. What is heard is funny and sad by turns, and what is seen becomes a witty play of surfaces.

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