A Season In Hell

Shorts Binge and It Scares Me to Feel This Way For many people, eating represents a constant struggle for control over impulses that have little to do with physical appetite. Certainly hunger comes into play, but a hunger for esteem, fulfillment, and affection. Eating then becomes a compulsion to fill or, in some cases, evacuate a psycho-social space, the body being its reification. In It Scares Me to Feel This Way (1987, 11 mins, 16mm, From Canyon), filmmaker Sallie Fuchs, an anorexic, refuses to be categorized within the nomenclature of disorder, rejecting the cultural values that define her alleged illness. In Lynn Hershman's Binge (1987, 21 (correction: 31) mins, 3/4" Video, From artist), the artist tracks her own weight loss as she tries to reverse her caloric promiscuity. The larger social context for her food infatuation is established by looking at the language surrounding eating. Brock and Roszell's gripping A Season in Hell (59 mins, 3/4" Video, From New Day Films) documents four years of one woman's ongoing battle with bulimia and anorexia, drawing us into her anxious suffocating world. Through conversation and confession the videotape presents a chilling picture of an obsessed woman whose faltering social life can be observed in the fluctuations of her body.-Steve Seid

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