Wednesday, Jun 28, 1995
The Second Annual Jewish Video Competition
Artists and activists have passionately embraced the potential of moving images to call forth the beliefs, the struggles, the aspirations that embody the world community of Jews. Video, for its part, has provided an expressive medium that has artfully enhanced the account of this culture by depicting the intimate along with the communal, recording the voices and images that muster the past and guarantee continuity into the future. The Judah L. Magnes Museum sponsors the Jewish Video Competition, now in its second year, to recognize the accomplishments of these committed videographers. Last year's inaugural screening featured compelling works that ranged from the heartfelt story of one woman's return to her Polish home in Diamonds In the Snow to the whimsical portrait of Yiddish Folksingers on Miami Beach. Join us for an evening that will divulge some of the enlightened stories that comprise the Jewish experience. Competition sponsored by the Richard and Roslyn Lindheim Fund. Special thanks to Bill Chayes, Dan Lindheim.
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