Tuesday, Oct 8, 1996
The Second Coming and One Way or Another
Jack Walsh in Person At thecenter of both local filmmaker Jack Walsh and Cuban filmmaker Sara Gomez'sradical films is the desire to use film politically and aesthetically to fomentchange. Walsh's The Second Coming, set in the near future, chronicles a group ofteenagers' resistance to the rising political presence of Fundamentalists. Theirin-your-face subversions, including pirate broadcasts, are echoed in Walsh'sexperimental style, which "scratches" from narrative to documentary tofilm essay. He relates the emerging love of Ben and Carlos, two high schoolstudents. The homophobia they encounter, with tragic ramifications, turns Carlostoward social action. One Way or Another, selected by Walsh, similarly collagesdisparate material to analyze the-world-out-there and the society one dreams iscoming, one way or another. Here the romance centers on a couple sorting out across-class love affair amidst lingering machismo in post-revolutionaryCuba.-Kathy Geritz Jack Walsh is currently the SeriesProducer of the Living Room Festival.
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