The Secret Society

A society for the production of secrets rather than a society that is a secret, the Secret Society will produce an evening of sudden events, unscheduled music, and back-channel food, interrupting business as usual at the Berkeley Art Museum. 

A secret starts with an individual or a small group and spreads outward from person to person, turning into a public secret and then finally public knowledge. The events at the Berkeley Art Museum will follow this logic of dispersion. With the help of clues and signs, rumor and suggestion, the visitor will be led toward the moment of discovery. 

The evening will include a back-room card game, a speakeasy, and the telling of secrets-in the dark. There will be unannounced music, food stored in an undisclosed location, and clandestine tours giving away secrets of the museum itself. 

A secret Porchlight event happens at 8 p.m. in the Museum Theater (Porchlight admission: $5; L@TE admission ticket also required).

The presentation of The Secret Society is supported by Artnow International. In-kind support has been provided for this event by Hendrick's Gin.