A Self-Preservation Workshop for Film and Video Makers

Presentation and Booksigning by Bill Brand

For the last thirty years, Bill Brand has been both an artist and an archivist, making films while also doing highly regarded optical printing and preservation work for filmmakers and institutions under the name BB Optics. He is professor of film and photography at Hampshire College and teaches film preservation in the graduate program in moving image archiving and preservation at NYU.

Drawing on his and Toni Treadway's recent article, “A Self-Preservation Guide for Film/Video-Makers,“ Brand will talk about how artists can implement simple steps to take better archival care of their films and videos. Anthology Film Archives' Results You Can't Refuse: Celebrating 30 Years of BB Optics, edited by Andrew Lampert, which includes the article, is available in the Museum Store for $8.50; purchase a copy at the workshop and receive a 10 percent discount!

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