Tuesday, Mar 18, 2008
7:00 pm
A fishing boat marooned atop the roof of a gutted home, the tattered postings of names and photos of the missing, the pages of a water-damaged Koran that cannot be separated: all are haunting images from Indonesia's Aceh province in the months following the Asian tsunami of December 2004. In Serambi these scenes speak of the incredible stories that came out of the tragedy and of the rebuilding that followed, of individuals piecing together fragments of existence and facing the enormity of how their lives have been transformed. Poetic and powerful, the film follows several individuals whose introspective searches ask questions almost too heartbreaking to consider: how one can retain memory when one's home no longer exists, or how not to exploit one's own sadness. Never veering into easy sentimentality or despair, it instead focuses on the rhythms and details of daily life, and the conversations and friendships that emerged from the tragedy, showing how life must and does carry on.
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