Serge Daney: Journey of a Ciné-Son

Never a victim of fashion, the influential French critic Serge Daney (1944–1992) was a champion of both classical Hollywood genre films and promising new directors from France and abroad. Heir apparent to the legendary critic and theorist André Bazin, Daney carried the torch of French film criticism to a new generation of cinephiles with his insightful writing for Cahiers du cinéma (for which he served as editor-in-chief from 1975 to 1981, ushering in a significant era of post-auteurist criticism), for the newspaper Libération, and at the influential journal he founded, Trafic. Despite his canonical status in European film circles, his reputation abroad has been constrained, in no small part because his work has yet to be translated into English. In this documentary, completed for television just before Daney's untimely death at age 48, Daney provides testimony to his passion for film and the culture at large in a “journey” with French philosopher and writer Régis Debray. The film is in three 57-minute episodes: “The Cahiers Days,” “From Cahiers to ‘Libe,'” and “Gaze of the Channel Zapper.”

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