Sesame Street by Bay Area Animators

Admission $1.50
Since Sesame Street started more than a decade ago, talented Northern California animators have created an important part of the program's clever and whimsical animation. Anyone who thinks Sesame Street is only for young children hasn't discovered all the delicious double-entendres these animators weave into their work. This screening includes a selected sampling of the program from John Korty, whose Mill Valley-based company has produced animation along with documentaries and features since the early 1960s, and from Jeffrey Hale, whose company, Imagination Inc., was one of two in the country commissioned to create and style the original animation for the television series. The many local animators who worked with these two companies include: Ernie Fosselius, Vincent Collins, Margaret Hale, Brian Narelle, Mandy Bereny and Nancy Morita. Recommended for ages 3-6 and adults.

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