Sex Underground

The works in this program rebel against workaday conventions of gender, sexuality, and the body. Utilizing theatrical traditions and a powerful performative agency, film and video makers such as Takashi Ito, Takashi Nakajima, Shuji Terayama, and Koichi Imaizumi subvert and then reconfigure sexual difference, queer subjectivity, and gendered norms. When viewed together, these works suggest that the sexed body was never far from the center of postwar image experimentation; as individual pieces, they open up complex worlds of transposed desire, indissoluble fetish, and deadly seduction. Mako Idemitsu's lighthearted invocation of traditional gender roles, Shin'ichi Tamano's perversely magical realism, and Yukie Saito's terrifying and oppressive exploration of male-female power dynamics collectively suggest unexpected yet open pathways for desire and subjectivity.

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