Shopping for Fangs

Shopping for Fangs doesn't just do away with the hyphenated identity of Generasian Xers, it swaps the hyphens for something more like a semicolon. Trinh is a perky waitress and a wannabe lesbian with a Marilyn complex, manifested by her boufy blond wig and sunglasses. Phil is a shy accountant whose sudden hair growth has convinced him he's a werewolf. Third in line is Katherine, a neurotic housewife suffering from blackouts in which she has no identity at all. Quentin Lee (Ethan Mao, Drift) and Justin Lin (Better Luck Tomorrow, The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift) co-directed, Lee laying out the life of our mock-Marilyn, Lin capturing the hirsute hero. This loopy love story of false claims, memory lapse, and lycanthropic loneliness lingers on the inner life because the surface features are just that, superficial. The directors of the preciously pop Shopping for Fangs wanted to sink their teeth into something more substantial.

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