The Silent Enemy

Precededby Short Return of the Country (Bob Hicks, USA,1984): "In this wonderfully pointed satire, an Indian elder leads aBureau of Indian Affairs appointee into a vision of a world dominatedculturally and politically by Indians. Indians pretend to be whitesperforming traditional dances for an Indian Hollywood director, and aschool demands non-Native Americans wear Indian clothes and give upwhitespeak and beliefs." (Wind and Glacier Voices). Hicks(Creek/Seminole) is an alumnus of the AFI Directors Workshop. (30 mins,Color, 3/4" Video, projected, From AFI) PLEASENOTE: THE ABOVE SHORT WAS CANCELED AND REPLACED WITH: Hoopiit (15 mins) "The title TheSilent Enemy refers to hunger. The film (shot on location in Canada) isan impeccable reconstruction in story form of Ojibway Indian life as itwas before the white man came. Conceived and produced in full awarenessthat the Indian and the wilderness were both rapidly vanishing, it wasmade for the purpose of leaving a visual record for the America that wasto come of the America that used to be. Douglas Burden, a youngexplorer...independently financed and produced the picture for releaseby Paramount." --Kevin Brownlow, The War, the West and theWilderness

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