Saturday, Feb 20, 1988
A Sixth of the World
Bruce Loeb on Piano (Shestaya chast mira/A Sixth of the Earth). With the changes in theformer Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, we thought it would be interesting tolook back at earlier socialist visions constructed through innovative filmpractices. One Sixth of the World was called by Vertov "a radio-cinemafilm" and is an example of his radical kino-eye method. According to Vertovit "managed to cover the broad expanse of our land from Novaia Zemlia toTurkestan. The center of gravity in these pictures was the combination ofdifferent aspects of life, kino-eye's capture of the vastest possible expanses.That, in particular, was how the theme of import-export was expanded andtransformed into that of emancipation from dependence on foreign capital.""This lyrical film-poem was commissioned by the Soviet government's tradeagency°.It is an exotically beautiful, animistic documentary that brings togetherin a 'universal song' the various European and Asiatic regions of the SovietUnion. It had considerable influence on the development of the documentary inmany countries." (Georges Sadoul, Dictionary of Films)
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