Tuesday, Mar 2, 2004
Slumberland: 3-D Projection Performance
New York artist Zoe Beloff returns to the Bay Area to present two programs highlighting her recent 3-D work. Tonight at PFA she stages an extravaganza of found and created work, and at San Francisco Cinematheque on February 29 she screens Lost and Shadow Land.
Claire and Don in Slumberland is a 3-D slide/film projection performance that lurches between the monstrous and the ludicrous. Guided by sounds from two psychology films, Hypnotic Behavior and Unconscious Motivation, wafting over the airwaves, Claire and Don find themselves uncontrollably acting out postwar America's fears and anxieties. (37 mins, Color, Projection performance with Emily McDonell, Josh Stark). The program also includes a selection of films that attempt to conjure up the unconscious. Some are hilarious successes, others disastrous failures. They are: Child Analysis (Psychoanalytic Sanitarium, Stanford, Connecticut, 1926, 7 mins): Case Two: Ned, an epileptic boy age 19. Maternal identification fixated at the passive homoerotic level; three cartoons by Max and Dave Fleischer: Mysterious Mose (1930, 6 mins, With Betty Boop, Bimbo), Silly Scandals (1931, 6 mins, With Betty Boop, Bimbo), Bubbles (1922, 6 mins, With Koko the Clown); and Home Movies (Leon V. Korfod, 1945, Color, 2.5 mins).
For further information about the S.F. Cinematheque program, phone (415) 552-1990.
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