Friday, Feb 14, 1992
Small Time
"Small Time is apiercing look into the life of Vince Williams, a young black mansurviving on the margins of society....The film depicts Vince's brutallife unsentimentally as he moves from petty crime to a final violentexplosion....His family situation, as represented through hisrelationship with his selfish and exploitative mother, offers him nomoral or emotional support that could sustain him. His...sometimesviolently sadistic relationship to his girlfriend indicate(s) that hispersonality is already hopelessly disturbed. Small Time is a gritty andrealistic exposé of the unbearable social conditions and povertythat are destroying the lives of urban youth. (But the film never losessight of Vince's humanity, even when Vince is willing to barter it forthe money to survive another day.) Working with virtually no money,Loftis has nonetheless produced a startling work. Small Time is a bold,immediate and hard-edged gem from a very talented and determined newdirector." --Dmitri Eipides, Toronto Festival '90
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