Spirit of the Dream House, Playland, The Silence, A Time to Rise

Spirit of the Dream House
In this animated short, a house tells its story: how it was built, and who has lived within its walls. A film by Fu-ding Cheng. (1983, 15 mins, Color animation)

Ironically titled, Playland follows a middle class boy's search for a lost friend in the milieu of teenage prostitution in New York. A film by Edmund Cheung. (1981, 20 mins)

The Silence
In Michael Uno's Vietnam War dramatization (nominated for an Academy Award), an American soldier is stranded in the jungle with a Vietnamese girl as she buries the dead. A film by Michael Uno. (1982, 30 mins, Color)

A Time to Rise
A documentary on the labor movement of the East Indian farm workers in British Columbia, Canada. A film by Anan Patwarden. (1982, 40 mins, Color)

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