Sunday, Oct 5, 1980
2:00 pm
Still and Errance sur/dans la trame (Wandering On/Through the Plot)
“For Thierry Kuntzel the parameters of video representation are the object (the very material) of his work. The fiction, the narration, diminishes to the point where it only exists by virtue of the formal structure of the work, without, however, ceasing to exist; without cutting off all links with the spectator's imagination, which is nevertheless revived at a totally different level.... The pattern which characterizes all the tapes, this contiuous exploitation of the transition from the visible to the invisible, is also the distinctive feature of Kuntzel's work in relation to three parameters (duration, color, light).... In Still, there is a double serial structure; the rectangle of snow inscribes its own variation in those of the color, of the light that contaminates this or that part, of the figurative element, of the duration which regulates every one of these variations, and culminates in a third element - the resonance effect."
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