Sunday, Jun 23, 1991
Stop Making Sense
Jonathan Demme and Martin Scorsese are the two American directors whose films most reflect a love of rock`n'roll. But where Scorsese celebrates the music of the '50s and '60s, Demme's enthusiasm is for music from the cutting edge of rock. This is apparent in his collaboration with Talking Heads. Under the leadership of David Byrne, Talking Heads evolved from a prototypically cerebral New York art-rock band to a musically adventurous ensemble incorporating influences from funk, salsa, and world beat. Stop Making Sense captures the infectious energy of their live show while eschewing the MTV clichés of quick cuts, gratuitous crowd shots and exploding smudge pots. From the opening chords of Byrne's solo version of "Psycho Killer" to the final echoes of the rave-up rendition of "Take Me to the River," Stop Making Sense is rivaled only by The Last Waltz as the best rock concert film ever made. --Peter Moore
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