The Story of Boys and Girls (Storia di ragazzi e di ragazze)

Pupi Avati's specialty is comedy, often involving large, lively groups of people. His latest is also one of his finest: a delightful film that invites the audience to join in the engagement celebration of a city boy and a country girl in the winter of 1936. The traditional feast (an exquisite 30-course meal) has been prepared by the girl's extended family in the large Emilian farmhouse where she lives. Meanwhile, the young man's upper-middle-class family, who live in Bologna, are not looking forward to meeting their in-laws. Much of the film takes place during the long meal, where all kinds of Tuscan delicacies are consumed, followed by a siesta and some amorous activity between members of the two families. Moral attitudes and other inevitable contrasts lead to tears as well as laughter, but all are united by a shared interest in sex and food. The black-and-white photography is so soft and beautiful that it gives the illusion of being filmed many years ago, and the entire ensemble cast, nearly flawless, also seems to come from times past. Riz Ortolani's score is one of his best, and Avati's visions of family, friends, and cultural ties are warm and generous.

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