
Preceded by short:Glumov's Diary (Sergei M. Eisenstein, U.S.S.R., 1923). A witty little costume-parody of Kino Pravda, made as an entr'acte for a Proletkult theater production. Photographed by Frantzisson. With Grigori Alexandrov, Maxim Strauch, Alexander Antonov. (2 mins, Silent, B&W, 35mm, PFA Collection)(Stachka). Telling of a factory workers' strike in Czarist Russia in 1912 and its brutal suppression, Strike, in its brilliant mixture of agit-prop techniques and comic-grotesque stylization, reveals the influence of the explosively rich contemporary theater in which Eisenstein was involved. In surprise associations-intercutting shots of the secret police with animals, or a massacre scene with an abattoir-Eisenstein is at once playful and ferocious. Important for introducing Eisenstein's intellectual montage, Strike is filled with memorable scenes, such as the forbidden meeting in the stockyards, that give the flavor of the underground (myth and reality) in pre-Revolutionary Russia. "Cinematic metaphors and images of sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste; it is a deluge of real things and surroundings." (Jay Leyda)

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