Sullivan's Travels

Hollywood movie director John L. Sullivan is a past-master of the escape comedy, but in future, Sullivan (played by Joel McCrea in perfect earnestness, his special comic bent) wants to turn to drama with social significance. Determined to learn the true meaning of the word "poverty," he leaves Beverly Hills for the real world, joined in his misadventures by hobo/hippie/Hollywood-hopeful Veronica Lake. When Sullivan reappears-busted, beaten, abused at the hands of a chain-gang cheerleader-he has learned something, after all: the true meaning of the word "escape." In the aftermath of the Great Depression, Preston Sturges chose to satirize a sacrosanct tenet of the cultural establishment: namely, that the social exposé is of greater value to the population-at-large than the plebeian comedy. What he created was a strange hybrid: a film that movingly searches the grim depths of poverty, prisons, and chain gangs; and a film that is, in the end, a hilarious exposé of its own well-established concern.

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