Summer Stock

"Summer Stock is Judy Garland's last film at the MGM studios, the gilded environment of her cinematic birth, rise and fall. It is, fortunately, a marvelous vehicle for her talents as a singer-comedienne, and it is the best film in which she and Gene Kelly worked together. Miss Garland had just been released from a Boston hospital where she had successfully weathered neuro- psychiatric treatments, and Summer Stock was her return to stardom. The plot was a re-working of the stranded-troupers-putting-on-a-smash-hit-in-a-barn formula, but Charles Walters' direction and an exultant Harry Warren score kept things very lively. Kelly's celebrated 'newspapers dance' is the greatest solo of his career, and Judy, alternately plump and slim, sings brilliantly, most notably in Robert Alton's choreographic revival of Harold Arlen's 'Get Happy.'" Albert Johnson

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