Tuesday, Oct 27, 2009
7:30 pm
Sun Xun: The Dark Magician of New Chinese Animation
“When we sleep deeply, everything becomes history.”-Sun Xun
In this rare U.S. presentation of his animation œuvre, Chinese artist and filmmaker Sun Xun will present a variety of short films that range from a witty experiment in body art to an evocation of China's checkered voyage toward technological and political modernity. Critic Mathieu Borysevicz wrote, “Sun's world lies suspended in anonymous twentieth-century eternity, a past riddled with legacies of modernity at its most extreme, a film noir testimony to absolutism. His flickering images crystallize into a gritty, dystopic urban overture to revolution. . . . His aim is to scratch the surface of political history, a history continuously conflated into myth, in order to expose the past as being in a state of constant becoming.” Sun's films combine hand-drawn renderings and traditional materials with new media. Each animation is made from hundreds of individual drawings that have also been exhibited in galleries and museums in China, the U.S., and Europe. An exhibition of Sun's work will open at Max Protetch Gallery in New York on November 7.
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