Superman: The Movie

Admission $4.50, children and adults

Recommended for ages 7+. The first is still the best. Forty years after his debut in Action Comics #1, the Man of Steel became a movie star and made Christopher Reeve a household name. He was the quintessential Superman. Sent to Earth as a baby from the doomed planet Krypton and adopted by a childless couple in Smallville, Kansas, our hero-to-be learns to use his superhuman powers only for good. Venturing to the big city of Metropolis, he develops his alter ego, nerdy Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent, while outracing trains, stopping speeding bullets, romancing fellow reporter Lois Lane, and battling the great criminal mind of Lex Luthor. With a story by Godfather author Mario Puzo, a soaring John Williams score, and a knockout cast including Marlon Brando, Gene Hackman, Ned Beatty, Margot Kidder, Terence Stamp, and Glenn Ford, Superman still makes you believe that a man could fly.

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