Friday, Oct 28, 1994
Série Noire
"Set in one of those hideous Paris suburbs where life flushes its human waste, the sordid tale concerns Frank Poupart, a pathetic fantasy-drugged salesman whose equally lamentable wife decides to leave him in order to think things over. When Poupart meets sleepy-eyed, withdrawn Mona and learns that her dreadful aunt, who prostitutes the girl to Poupart in exchange for a sweater, is hiding a fortune in the house he sees a way out of this environment..."- Variety "This is definitely the best movie made from a Jim Thompson novel to date....Patrick Dewaere, as a demented thief/murderer/child molester, is as close to a real Jim Thompson character as an actor could get. His frenzied behavior, deranged notion of right and wrong, suit Thompson's sense of satire, his nightmarish vision of Man's Fate....Dewaere's was a vulnerable, palpitating screen presence, and it's a shame he's gone: Dewaere committed suicide not long after the filming of Série Noire."- Barry Gifford (The Devil Thumbs a Ride and Other Unforgettable ilms) Repeated October 30.
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