Ten Skies

In his most recent work, part of an intense, ongoing study of American landscape, Benning turns his camera skyward in the vicinity of his home in Val Verde, California. He calls the resulting stunning images “found paintings” and is intrigued by the ways the sky changes in reaction to the landscape below. Pollution, wildfires, changing atmospheric conditions, the wind all leave their distinct trace. Alexander Horwath, writing in Film Comment, describes Ten Skies as “one of this unique filmmaker's greatest works, and on paper, one of his most minimalist: ten shots of the sky, each lasting ten minutes. But the experience of watching-and hearing-is fabulously rich and intense. The skyscapes are filled with life and change at the speed of light. The soundtrack creates an equally rich narrative space by way of ten short stories that are ‘insinuated' without ever being ‘explained.' A masterpiece.”

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