Tense and Nervous

A selection of recent films in which nagging worries, blue reflections, and downright anxiety are articulated against a backdrop of innovative style. Martin Arnold's anxious reworkings of American films reveal unexpected content lurking within the frame. In his most recent, Alone. Life Wastes Andy Hardy, surprising sexual tensions are divulged. Horse Farm tells of a woman's sleepless night, in Fae Yamaguchi's low-tech signature style. Local filmmaker Jenni Olson's beautifully photographed Blue Diary chronicles a frustrating flirtation against an indifferent cityscape. Anne Robertson's three short films, Depression Focus Please, Talking to Myself # 1, and Kafka Kamera are affecting examples of her distinctive use of the super-8 camera as confessor and confidante. In local filmmaker Claire Baine's (corr: Bain's) latest installment of her alter-ego's adventures, Vel and the Bus, Vel turns to lawyers and therapists for help following an accident. Tony Buba anxiously contemplates the disappearance of a corner of his Pennsylvania hometown in Fade Out. In Mathias Mueller's lushly colored Alpsee, unspoken tensions between a mother and son spill over into their fifties home.-Kathy Geritz

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