Wednesday, Jun 19, 1996
The Third Jewish Video Competition Awards Screening
After three years, the quantity of excellent videoworks in the Jewish Video Competition is continuing proof of the commitment of artists and activists who have chosen this electronic medium, both as an aesthetically expressive tool and as a practical mechanism for rendering the voices and images that muster the past and guarantee a culture's continuity. The Judah L. Magnes Museum's Jewish Video Competition recognizes the accomplishments of these committed videographers. Past screenings featured compelling works that ranged from Laura Paull and Evan Garelle's Havana Nagila, an eye-opening look at the history of Jews in Cuba, to Mira Binford's Diamonds in the Snow, tracing the lives of four women who survived the Holocaust in a Polish town. Join us for an evening that will divulge some of the enlightened stories that comprise the Jewish experience.
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