Those Days in June (Los días de Junio)

An exiled actor (played by Norman Briski on his return from exile in Spain) returns to Argentina and looks up three old friends who haven't been in contact since his departure. The toll of the passing years emerges as they talk of their lives and reminisce. Their recognized and unrecognized compromises in relationships with families, friends, and work, are presented against a backdrop of the last days of the junta, at once engaged in the Malvina/Falklands War and hosting the Pope. The four protagonists, representing different political positions and responses to the military's repression, nostalgically regress to earlier times of friendly pranks and oaths of loyalty. They create a banner, a symbol of these lost days, a hope for their return, but they are cruelly reminded of the reality of the present. "Los Días de Junio perfectly conveys the fragility of daily life under the dictatorship, in particular the anxiety in treading close to the limits of permissible conduct without ever knowing exactly when that line might be crossed, nor the finality of such a misstep." B. Ruby Rich, United States Film Festival '88

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