Monday, Sep 18, 1989
Touki Bouki (La Rire de Hyène/The Hyena's Laugh)
The picaresque adventures of a young man with a dream-to leave his shepherd's post for the good life in Europe. Leading his cattle to the slaughterhouse, Mory arrives in Dakar, where he meets a radical student, Anta, with whom he falls in love. Together they pursue the dream, mostly by means of "bouki" (graft), confidence games and schemes while riding around on Mory's motorcycle to which he has affixed a fetish, the horns of a zebu. During these escapades they are followed by a mocking white "Tarzan" who literally swings from lianas... Diop-Mambety (known as Diop), in his first feature film, wanted to make an "insolent...non-conformist film...that gently shocks but does not bring anger, rather a somewhat bittersweet smile." If his style acknowledges the European New Wave, using fragmented narrative, terse editing and flash forwards, his concerns are firmly rooted in the African experience. Variety's Gene Moskowitz describes the "scenes of idyllic love, the reflections of advanced students shunning and deriding old ways instead of helping to change them, and former colonists...and their still haughty attitudes...worked into this sharply-made, lensed and played little drama."
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