The Tragedy of the Street

Ib Monty and MargueriteEngberg in Person. Ib Monty is Director of The Danish Film Museum. AstaNielsen scholar Marguerite Engberg's monograph is translated for our catalog. Ms.Engberg also has written the definitive two-volume book on Danish silent film,and is former Chair of Cinema Studies, University of Copenhagen. (Dirnentragödie/U.S.: Women Without Men). In one of her mosteloquent tragic roles, and the last of the famous German Expressionist"street" films, Nielsen at forty-six portrays an aging prostitute whofalls in love with a young middle-class man and spends her life savings trying togain a modicum of respectability before he is stolen away from her by a youngerprostitute. Director Rhan's avant-garde techniques translate the heroine'sconfusion, passion, joys, and disenchantment into cinematic terms.

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