Friday, Jun 8, 2012
8:50 pm
Trailer Trash: A Mini-Movie Extravaganza
Why wade through an entire feature film when a crisply condensed version can save you time and trouble? Ninety minutes compressed to a pithy two or three, saving just the most unsavory and salacious sections-that's a compression scheme to be admired. We're talking trailers: abbreviated spectacles filled with thunderous scores, thrills and spills galore, and a cast of, at least, thousands. And those stentorian voices booming with blustery conviction: “A Love That Knows No Bounds,” “In a Land Where Passion Reigns,” “All the Emotions of a LIFETIME!” We've handpicked over forty of these compact come-ons for your viewing pleasure. They'll be comin' at ya with a Fever Pitch. Stupendous. Unleashed. A Night to Remember. Classics from every genre-Westerns, sci-fi, thrillers, horror-but mostly trash, because someone's got to take it out. Trailer Trash is all movie with no distracting meaning. You've Never Seen Anything Like It. First Time on the Screen.
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