
New 35mm Restoration

(Transes) “A concert film unlike any other,” Trances presents extraordinary footage of the mighty Moroccan music group, Nass El Ghiwane. “At a time when access to pop music was incredibly limited in northern Africa, Nass El Ghiwane introduced an unsuspecting Moroccan population to music that was informed by various types of regional music; incorporated Sufi chants, theater, and poetry; and was rife with politically loaded lyrics. So entranced by the film was Martin Scorsese that he encouraged Peter Gabriel to take cues from the band for his score to The Last Temptation of Christ and chose to inaugurate the World Cinema Foundation's work, some twenty-six years later, with this title” (BAMcinématek). The restoration of Trances used the original 16mm camera and sound negative provided by producer Izza Génini. The camera negative was restored both photochemically and digitally and blown up to 35mm format. The sound negative was restored to Dolby SR and digital.

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