
Blue (Azza Al Zarouni, United Arab Emirates, 2000). Private space as discomforting comfort zone at home in Abu Dhabi. Ubiquitous cell phone ringing punctuates this stream of dissatisfaction with pop culture salvation. (2:40 mins, From the artist)

Cosmetic Surgery (Gerahat al Tagmil)(Hassan Khan, Egypt, 2000). A wry look at the rising class in Cairo and how they deal with self-image. With a backdrop of malls and clinics, questions of politics, religion, gender, economy, and marginality are couched in terms of beauty and the body. (14:14 mins, In Arabic with English subtitles, From the artist)

Shameless Transmission of Desired Transformations Per Day (Bathth Waquih li Kammiyyat al Tahawoulat al Mushtahat Yawmiyan)(Mahmoud Hojeij, Lebanon, 2000). Just as fruit and vegetables are picked for their external appearance, three women at Beirut checkpoints are asked to reveal their intimate acts supposedly done in the dark. (25 mins, From V-Tape)

Fuck This Film (Kos om el film dah)(Hassan Khan, Egypt, 1998). Surrounded by a multitude of reasons to tape and seeing none, the videomaker runs at life haunted by forces inside with a soul lost to despondency. (4 mins, In Arabic with English subtitles, From the artist)

Looking Awry (Sobhi al-Zobaidi, Palestine, 2001). American producers commission Zobaidi to make a videotape about ancient Jerusalem. They want only the calmer side of the old city, but as soon as the taping starts an Intifada breaks out after Israeli attacks at Al Aksa Mosque. (32 mins, From the artist)

Diary of a Male Whore (Yawmeyat A'her)(Tawfik Abu-Wael, Palestine, 2001). A videotape about memory, positioning itself in relation to the "other," so that it can be seen as a metaphorical account of the so-called Israeli-Palestinian "peace process." Based loosely on the novel For Bread Alone by Moroccan writer Mohamed Choukri. (14 mins, In Arabic with English subtitles, From Arab Film Distribution)

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