Wednesday, Sep 6, 1989
Trouble in Paradise
Gaston (Herbert Marshall) and Lilly (Miriam Hopkins) meet while picking each others pockets. Both are jewel thieves in their better moments and together they make for Paris, where they insinuate themselves into the company of a millionairess (Kay Francis). "Trouble in Paradise is a cool and brilliant performance...Lubitsch himself seems always to have regarded it as his most supremely accomplished movie. 'As for pure style,' he wrote in 1947, in a backward look at his own career, 'I think I have done nothing better or as good.'...At bottom, it's an idyll. And, perhaps most surprising of all in a Lubitsch movie, it even suggests a certain vision of community: that community of cleverness that exists not only between the leading characters in the film but between the film and its audience...If earlier Lubitsch comedies have been characterized by characters who don't know what's coming next, this one seems filled with people who know all too well-and with uncanny composure...(For example) the outrageous imperturbability with which Gaston and Lilly not only rob other people but each other as well-simultaneously copping feels and property. 'I hope you don't mind if I keep your garter.'..." James Harvey, Romantic Comedy
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