Truth Has a Perfect Memory

In these short works, women journey inward and outward in their quests for meaning, truth, or identity. Unruhe (2001, 5 mins) by Elia Alba is a split-screen experimental video that playfully juxtaposes faces. In Tokyo Equinox (Yuri Makino, 11 mins) two siblings rediscover their father. Moments in Love: the more you ignore me the closer I get (Donna Golden, 2001, 20 mins) experiments with the horror genre to demonstrate deep-seated cultural biases. In Angela Cheng's Esme Seeking (2002, 4 mins), a bridesmaid attends a wedding, with unexpected results. The experimental All Water Has a Perfect Memory (Natalia Almada, 2001, 19 mins, From Women Make Movies) documents the effects of a tragic event on a bicultural family. In Donna Lee's Enter the Mullet (Canada, 5:30 mins, From Video Out), class, race, and queerness intersect in a farce about an infamous fashion statement. Transplant (Alison Nicole Stewart, 2002, 10 mins) generalizes about the West Coast through an East Coast lens. Aarin Burch's Reflections Unseen (26 mins) focuses on eight Bay Area African American women living with HIV to tell a transformative story of healing.

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