Tuesday, Jun 3, 1986
"Set up to produce their own Tarzan movies (though only one serial and two features edited therefrom actually resulted), Burroughs-Tarzan Enterprises, a short-lived company, needed additional features to round out a release schedule. Most were cheap actioners, but Tundra--a forerunner of what has now become a survival-in-the-wilderness genre--had real stature. At the time, we took it to be a largely authentic reconstruction, not recognizing the big chunks of stock footage lifted from SOS Iceberg and other films. But contrived or not, it's still an impressive and exciting piece of work, even though the two bear cubs used as comedy relief inject too much of a Disney flavor. The film was good enough for RKO Radio to 'remake' in the '50s as Arctic Fury, said remake consisting solely of a few new matching shots, re-use of the original footage, and Del Cambre, nearly twenty years older, repeating his original role! Director Norman Dawn was a pioneer in location shooting and the perfection of the glass shot; his major work was the recently rediscovered Australian silent For the Term of His Natural Life." William K. Everson
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