Turn Back the Clock

"Edgar Selwyn (Men Must Fight, The Mystery of Mr. X) has always been one of the most interesting of the more obscure MGM directors of the '30s, and this surprise item--co-written by Selwyn with Ben Hecht--again suggests that someone should do a small retrospective of his work. Although sold at the time as a comedy in the tradition of Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee, and probably regarded by most critics as a comedy because of the fast-talking presence of Lee Tracy, it emerges somewhat differently today. It is funny (although the Lee Tracy character is not especially sympathetic) but it is also a rather poignant wish-fulfillment fantasy very much tied in with the depression. Perspective and the passage of years often gives films added depth, and such is certainly the case here. Mae Clarke's downplayed, deliberately somewhat drab performance, reminds us once again what a fine and touching actress she was--and how sadly wasted after her auspicious beginning in Whale's Waterloo Bridge." William K. Everson

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