Two-Faced Woman

"They're trying to kill me," moaned Garbo when the studio--forced by the war in Europe to concoct a Garbo vehicle that would succeed on the home market alone--cast her as an All-American Girl in the frothy comedy Two-Faced Woman. The story--about a ski instructress who impersonates her own "twin" in order to lure her husband (Melvyn Douglas) back from the clutches of his mistress (Constance Bennett)--was cleaned up after the film was condemned by the National Legion of Decency. The film has gained further notoriety for being Garbo's last before her self-exile from movies. But, apart from the novelty of Garbo cast as a clown, the film has a lot to enjoy in a number of amusing scenes and in the supporting performances by Roland Young, Ruth Gordon (as a surprisingly sensible secretary), and especially Constance Bennett's venemous and hilarious "other woman."

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