Friday, Dec 10, 2010
7:00 PM
Two People
(Två Människor). For many years Dreyer had wanted to make a film with only two actors; hearing about the idea, the director of Svensk Filmindustri invited him to Stockholm to create it. A fascinating attempt at streamlining domestic tragedy to its essence, the film is constructed around a single day, and tells a rather florid tale of a husband and wife, an affair, blackmail, poison, and more. Dreyer was somewhat hampered by the casting choices: the two actors he discovered were turned down, one because she wasn't beautiful or famous enough (Anders Ek, who ironically would become one of Swedish cinema's greatest actresses), the other supposedly because his Adam's apple was too large. The film ran for five days before it was withdrawn from theaters, and Dreyer refused to let it be screened during his lifetime; it remains one of the director's rarest works.
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