Friday, Jan 22, 1999
Uirá, An Indian's Search for God
Preceded by short:Stone of RIches (Vladimir Carvalho, Brazil, 1975). (A pedra da riqueza). A group of sertanejos from the Sabugi valley decide to give up farming and hope to make money in a very different field of work. Photographed by Manuel Clemente. (15 mins, In Portuguese with English subtitles, Color, 35mm)(Uirá, um índio em busca de Deus). A work of "anthropological fiction," Uirá shows the degradation and destruction of the Brazilian Indian way of life in a story set in 1939 and shot in the Maranhão, a desolate area between the Northeast and the Amazonian forests. In despair over his son's death at the hands of whites, an Urubu Indian sets off with his family in search of Maíra, the creator of the universe. During the course of his trip, Uirá is harassed and then exploited by his white government protectors until, suspecting that he is indeed a prisoner, he flees to his fate. "Avoiding the twin extremes of racist vilification and noble savage idealization, Uirá treats its native subject with rare respect and dignity, even while it offers a provocative critique of our own civilization and values" (Robert Stam). The Argentine-born Gustavo Dahl was a key figure in Brazilian cinema. Coming at a time when government censorship and repression forced artists to seek outside funding, Uriá was coproduced with Italian television.
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