Sunday, Sep 17, 1995
The Unfortunate Bride (Broken Hearts)
The 1926silent Broken Hearts, notable for capturing New York through the eyes ofa new immigrant, was framed by sound sequences in 1932 and the newpackage called The Unfortunate Bride. A granddaughter's query concerningwhether to follow her heart or the teachings of the Torah provokes thistale: A writer, forced to emigrate from Russia, and believing his wifein the old country has died, takes a new wife, only to be shunned by herclass-conscious family whose eyes are on another prize:"Allrightnik Row." Apart from the film's stark naturalism ofthe slums, a common theme of immigrant life (and movies)-desertion-istreated in the twists of plot that send our hero back to Russia, leavinghis wife alone and pregnant. Interestingly, the earlier film's happyending is supplanted in the newer version by a more cautionaryconclusion. Maurice Schwartz directed and plays the lead, alongsidefellow stars from the Yiddish Art Theater, and Hollywood's Lila Lee asthe new wife.
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