Wednesday, Dec 5, 2012
7 pm
United in Anger: A History of ACT UP
Jonathan Winters is a founding member of ACT UP East Bay. He recently completed his History B.A. thesis at UC Berkeley, "ACTing UP by the Bay: a short history of AIDS Activisim in the San Francisco and East Bay Area."
"As scrappy and passionate as the actions it documents."-NY Times
The AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power was founded in New York City within days of Larry's Kramer's 1987 warning that the gay community was dying. Jim Hubbard's exhilarating and empowering film captures ACT UP in the act of invention. Loud and brash, inclusive and innovative, ACT UP used street protests and creative acts of civil disobedience to grab headlines and target pharmaceutical companies, the FDA, and the Catholic Church. Contemporary interviews, intercut with archival footage, reveal the lasting power of this grassroots movement that redefined activism and AIDS politics-and saved lives.
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