To An Unknown God (A un dios desconocido)

“Jaime Chavarri is one of the most talented of the new directors in Spain, and his second film, A Un Dios Desconocido, is a masterpiece. It concerns homosexuality, romantic obsession, political-emotional repression, and the poet Lorca. A man in his fifties, a magician, lived in Granada as a child when the Civil War was being fought. Although he only saw him from a distance once, he fell in love with Lorca; almost through a sort of sexual-romantic transference he began an affair with one of Lorca's own lovers. Now fifty, the memories of those early days come flooding back - including the murder of Lorca at the hands of Franco's agents - and he again visits Granada. His obsession with his ‘unknown god,' Lorca, has colored his entire life, including his relationship with his long-time current lover. By re-encountering his earlier experiences, he encounters himself fully for the first time in his life.”

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