Friday, Jul 28, 1995
Vernon, Florida
Preceded by shorts: Ben Lee, the Turkey Man (Jon Alpert, U.S., 1983): Ben is probably the world's greatest turkey caller, but he's taken his gift for gobbling and turned it into a business that ain't chicken scratch. Alpert at his delightful best. (6 mins, Color, 3/4" Video, From Downtown Community Video). Venom in a Jar, a Kiss from the Queen (Gretchen Stoeltje, U.S., 1990): Every year in Sweetwater, Texas the famous rattlesnake roundup is staged. Stoeltje concentrates on a recent addition, the Miss Rattlesnake Queen contest, the winner of which gets to enter the pit of live rattlers. A meaty portrait you can sink your fangs into. (22 mins, Color, 3/4" Video, From the artist) ----------------------------------------"Vernon is a small town in northwest Florida. Nothing ever happens. A police officer, a wild turkey hunter, a farmer, a minister, and the oldest inhabitant discuss wrigglers, garfish, gopher turtles, and vultures; they also harbor profound suspicions that life may be very different from what it seems. The first film about metaphysics in the swamp..." (New York Film Festival). "This is a visionary film (with an) unblinking fix on surreal daily life...Each sequence leaves an unsettling residue in the mind: a sense of waiting or expectation, a hint of paranoia, a suggestion of disorder....Beautifully photographed, hypnotically edited, and often very funny" (Telluride Film Festival).
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