The Very Late Afternoon of a Faun (Faunovo velmi pozdni odpoledne)

Vera Chytilova is a longtime favorite of PFA audiences; her features Daisies (1965) and The Apple Game (1977) beautifully weave universal feminist concerns into exuberant and idiosyncratic storytelling. In The Very Late Afternoon of a Faun she teams again with scriptwriter Ester Krumbachova (Daisies) to give the old Don Juan legend a modern, comic twist. The “faun” in question is an aging Lothario who uses the sidewalks, cafes and offices of his otherwise boring existence as hunting grounds for the opposite sex, of whom any and all are fair game. New specimens are rare at his nine-to-five job, however, so he affixes his affections there on a middle-aged co-worker who, being of similar mind, is on to his tricks and has a few of her own. The great enjoyment of the film, apart from Leos Sucharipa's energetic rendition of the prancing satyr, is in Chytilova's flair for ironic juxtaposition and telling detail.

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