Videotapes by New Musicians: Jon Gibson & Richard Landry

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One Way:
This tape deals with Jon Gibson's method of layering visual material in a fashion similar to the process of his musical compositions, in which he “visualizes” sound work. Superimposed upon a moving landscape image are pattern drawings, interspersed with still images, and subtle color modulations. The soundtrack consists of a mix of the synch “live” sounds of the wind rushing by the microphone, and a solo drum work by Gibson entitled “Single-Stroke Roll.”

• By Jon Gibson. Edited by Gibson with Carlotta Schoolman and Michael Shamburg. Production assistance by David Ross and the Long Beach Museum of Art. (1975-76, 26 mins, b&w colorized)

Untitled Performance Document:
a video document of a live solo performance by John Gibson recorded in October, 1977, at the Franklin Street Art Center in New York City.

• By Jon Gibson. Produced by the Franklin Street Art Center. (1977, 60 mins)

Quad Suite (Six Vibrations for Agnes Martin, Hebes Grande Bois, 4th Register)
is Richard Landry's three-part tape: the first section involving a stereo delay, the second and third quadrapohonic with four delays, recorded with two recorders and four tracks. The first, “Six Vibrations for Agnes Martin,” shows the horizontal neck of a guitar with the rectangles of its struts and strings. Landry's playing is off-screen, causing the strings to vibrate, making the music visual so that different sounds have different looks. In the second piece, “Hebes Grande Bois,” Landry's mouth is seen blowing in a bamboo flute, only his lips and not his fingers showing as he improvises the music. The effect of the quadraphonic delay with the flute is the combination of overtones with each other, creating the undulating movement of the harmonic structure of the instrument. The third section, “Fourth Register,” involves a tenor sax through the quadraphonic delay, focusing on the fourth octave or register of the instrument. This section was recorded live at the Kitchen.

• By Richard Landry. Produced with Carlotta Schoolman. Audio Engineer: Kurt Munkasci. (1972-73, 35 mins, Tape from Castelli-Sonnabend)

Divided Alto
was taped with two cameras on a two-inch deck. The frame is divided into four quadrants, done with a special effects generator - two images are of Richard Landry's hand and two of his mouth, showing his hand on the body of the flute and the shape of his mouth blowing into it. One section was taped, then the other laid over afterwards. Landry's music is improvised, focusing on the harmonics of the instrument as he plays double and triple harmonic chords of the alto flute.

• By Richard Landry. (1974, 15 mins, color, Tape from Castelli-Sonnabend)

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