The Virgin President

Premiere Revival! With surprise shorts. Millard Fillmore has spent thirty-two years in the White House bomb shelter waiting for his call to duty. When Papa President dies, Millard inherits the oval office. Once ensconced, he is set upon by a den of dastardly cabinet members who want to exploit his naiveté. The idea of a thoroughly incompetent chief exec takes on a blissful irreverence in Graeme Ferguson's rediscovered sixties farce. Having had the good humor or perhaps good luck to enlist The Second City, a wildly comic improv group, Ferguson drafted Severn Darden as the principal prez, then concocted The Virgin President with satiric informality save for one premeditated line: "Good grief, a poison parrot!" There's Secretary of Defense William Salvo, C.I.A. Chief Jock Steel, Presidential Advisor Machiavelli von Clausewitz, and General Heath, played by Peter Boyle. These White House wags devise a plot to drop an A-bomb on the Big Apple and blame it on the Red Chinese, but Millard turns out to be the equal of his quack Cabinet. Never stooping to the preplanned soundbite, The Virgin President suggests that our leadership could benefit from ad-libbing.-Steve Seid

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