Friday, Jan 20, 1995
Voice Without a Shadow
Sorry, wrong number. A switchboard operatorat a major newspaper overhears the voice of a murderer, but police areunable to find the man to match the voice. The case remains unsolveduntil, several years later, the now-married lady catches the samelilting tones in one of her husband's shadier associates... "Basedon a story by Japan's most famous mystery novelist, Seicho Matsumoto,Voice Without a Shadow could be considered one of Suzuki's first trulygreat films. Confined to an interesting but ordinary mystery plot, hestill manages to create the kind of excessive cinematic bravura thatwould endear him to intellectual fans in the 1960s. Warped by the cameramovement and editing, the space of the film combines with an underlyingmood of sexual tension and perversity to foreground perception as thecentral problem both for the story and for cinema." (The JapanFoundation)
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